Supporting Students

Lyneham Primary School provides learning environments and programs that are supportive, well organised, rigorous, engaging, inclusive and differentiated. We are committed to improving student outcomes through high quality teaching and learning.

Students with disabilities

Lyneham Primary School promotes inclusivity, access, participation and quality educational outcomes for students with disabilities.

Gifted and Talented Education

Under the Framework for Gifted Education, Lyneham Primary is required to meet the learning needs of students who are gifted. In consultation with our school community, we have developed effective and equitable procedures for the identification and provision of developmentally appropriate programs for gifted and talented students at Lyneham Primary.

Gifted and talented students form a diverse group. They come from a variety of backgrounds and exhibit a wide range of personal characteristics that cause their gifts and talents to be expressed in many different ways. As a consequence they can have quite different needs. To cater for this variety and ensure that all students are provided with challenges that match their ability level and learning needs requires programming that includes multiple provisions and allows students to move in and out of gifted programming according to their interests, strengths, and needs. The vision for Lyneham Primary School is, therefore, an inclusive model in which gifted education is blended into the whole school program. Gifted programming will include properly planned curriculum differentiation, compaction, extension and enrichment provided both within the regular classroom and through separate small group instruction. Students will also be encouraged to participate in a variety of competitions.

Students identified as being Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Lyneham Primary is strongly committed to improving Indigenous Australian education outcomes. This commitment includes working in partnership with members of our Indigenous community to develop shared understandings.

Students with English as an additional language or dialect

Specialist English support is available for students who are learning English as a second or additional language. At Lyneham Primary we have teachers for students who have English as an additional language or dialect who work with classroom teachers to assist non English speaking students with their transition to a new language and culture.