Lyneham and Downer Preschool Parent Associations

Our Preschool Units

Lyneham Preschool -  Garling St Lyneham

Lyneham Preschool has a representative that liaises with the Lyneham Primary School Parent Association. This enables the Lyneham Preschool to participate and raise funds for additional resources and projects at preschool, organise social and community activities for preschool families and contribute to whole school community activities.

Downer Preschool - Cotton St Downer

Downer Preschool has their own Parent Association which has a team to organise various social and community activities for the preschool families. The Parent Association arranges fundraising for additional resources and projects at Downer Preschool. The Downer Preschool families join in with major Lyneham Primary School events.